Based on the fascinating true stories of an astonishing woman-Corinne Hofmann. One feels compelled to admire her, to be overwhelmed by her vast optimism, bravery and determination to endure whatever hardship for the sake of such an epic love. Few of us would have the courage to take such a magnificent step into the unknown but Corinne did it. I loved her and I loved Lemalian too, but I also felt a sadness for them because their love seemed doomed from the start.
Thank Yue for providing such a good movie, a warm place to appreciate the movie, snacks including my favorite walnut and of coz a diversified dinner. Feel like home, and leave this damp and gloomy day all behind.

Rain. 大雨

Fish. 小鱼
Copyright @ 2006 Nirvana Studio. All rights reserved.